jueves, 31 de enero de 2013


1.    Write the procedure to classify an animal or a green plant.

There are several methods of classify organisms: Autotroph and Heterotrophs, Multicellular and Unicellular, Dichotomous Keys, Cladograms, Binomial Nomenclature. To use the Binomial Nomenclature, developed by Carl Linnaeus, you use: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

2.    What is the function of taxonomy?

Categorize organisms by descriptions, features and names in a hierarchical order, permitting differentiate and group organisms one from another, setting and identifying a natural relationship between them. 

3.    Who developed the taxonomy strategies to classify the living things?

First developed by Shen Nung in China, passing to the Greeks like Aristotle, Plato, Plinius, Theophrastus, etc., until get to the 14 and 15 centuries with Carolus Linnaeus and the Binary system, and the one that we use now, modified by other modern scientists and getting a combination of all theories and methods gave since the beginning to the end.

4.    Set the five kingdoms of the nature.

The 3 domains are: Eukarya (cell with nucleus), Archae (bacterias from the prehistory that resist extreme conditions) and Eubacteria (common bacterias)

The 5 kingdoms are: Bacteria (unicellular prokaryote), Protista (unicellular eukaryotes), Animalia (multicellular heterotrophs), Plantae (multicellular green autotrophs) and Fungi (multi and unicellular heterotrophs decomposers)

Follow the link to do an activity about taxonomy: http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/E07/E07.html

jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

Muscles, bones and joints
 here you are going to obtain information about all the main joins muscles and bones of the human body.  Also you are going to see the ubication and the function of each of these.
you also are going to had activities to measure your knowledge.

Living things
Here you are going to obtain infotmation about taxonomy his function and proces you also are going to obtain information about the history of taxonomyand the proces to classify animals and plants.

here you are going to obtain information about the classes of plants the main parts of the plants their function and all you need to know about it.