jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013



                                              “YOU´VE GOT THE POWER”
A world without electricity would be uncomfortable or even hard for nowadays humans. Electricity is a form of energy, and without energy, nothing will exist, because it is everywhere. Fortunately, humans are so creative, because they can create electricity; also, it is easy to do! But at the same time, we don’t understand that if we don´t take care of it, it will get over and affect the humans and their vital daily necessities.
Everything is useful to create electricity, even natural resources, renewable and non-renewable. However, humans and their bad use of it are getting electricity over. That is why we should conserve electricity by not wasting it. Also, there are common and easy ways to reduce the use in our common life, for example, turning unnecessary lights off, taking shorter baths, not opening so much the refrigerator, and many more easy and simple ways to save energy that is one of the most important things for humans.
In conclusion, it´s time to react and change our bad use of energy and unnecessary waste of this essential resource, because at final, we´ve got the power.


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